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Chamber Blog

Welcome to the Barton County Chamber of Commerce Blog. You'll find information about our area, articles about our members, news and information about business that you can use every day in your own business endeavors. If you have a suggestion for the Chamber Blog, or would like to submit something to us to share, contact us at
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Dare to be Different: 5 Ways to Recreate Your Business for Greater Revenue

Most people come up with an idea, or they have a passion, and they decide to turn it into a business. The savvy among them create a business plan around their idea or passion. Many get so excited about their venture that they create the product or service first and then try and find the market. This approach is like swimming upstream. It can be done but it’s a lot harder. They easier way is to locate a group of people with a problem and solve for it.

Christina R. Green

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